Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Finite Truth

As you begin to transform my eyes follow your every tear
They have never seen you tremble as I have
Like a paper swimming against the currents of furious wind
trembling from convulsions of the darkness that posses the light of the atmosphere
The speed becomes one with the merciless wrath that you so vulnerably unite with
You become one with powerful disaster
You are blinded by the glasses of unmeasured mirages
They blind your sight and your invitation to the demons acquire all your white light
The innocence of that paper being shuffled around the evil eye of the storm,
They seem so affected...
As you float around with your eyes shut you weren't able to see
For the paper is in tact
Not shredded or torn
It is still complete...
I know no other way anymore ...
For my language is this
And hope has proved that with you the impossible is possible and the finite exists


  1. Hi my name's Ashley. I'm one of Mike's assistants and will be commenting on your stuff from time to time =)

    Wow really nice job! I loved it. Everything was so vivid and detailed. Nice Job!
