Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Calling

It took me nearly 26 years to find my calling. The same calling that never gave up on trying infinite ways of letting me know what it was or that it was there. The calling has such an admirable face to it. It's diligent, brave and meaningful in making its purpose effectively through the hands of time to always the perfect place at the perfect moment. At this precise time my calling is in the process of blooming it's fruits in my life. It's seeds are now germinating the beginnings of beautiful gardens where I can reap the fruits of future callings of those around me.
I had my skills defined in different areas of study, however, I never found the profession that I would be happy with. One day I realized through different jobs that my passion lies in helping people. I thrive off of knowing that all of my skills are being utilized for the good of someone else's life and ultimately for the bettering of society as a whole. I know I can't change the world. But I know that the way I engage in helping people is genuine and from the sincere depth of my love for our human race, therefore whatever services they receive from me are from the sky. Even the imperfections in my work are honest and genuine and absent of harm. Everything that I do is a reflection of me. I take pride in my work and try hard to produce accuracy and substance. And all of the hurdles I've stumbled with to overcome, have a significance and authenticity to it. I'm like a wine getting more valuable with time and I've learned to acknowledge it and embrace it. It's the mindfulness I've been exploring each day that will make me succeed as a social worker when I begin that journey, when I begin my path. Since nothing is guaranteed, I employ my faith to cooperate with my natural perception of realism and have assessed that my path was destined to me and the way I walk down my path is my own determinism. I have a passion for learning and a passion for accepting that there's magnitudes of knowledge for me to explore. I like knowing that I can be a dreamer with a structured and professional objective of chasing my dreams. As long as I maintain mindfulness and awareness I can continue to fall awake into this lifetime.

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